Full Version: Softball Vs. Bowling
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can we please try to keep this one topic, on its original course?

I physically can't play softball.

Er... doctor's orders. :18:

But I would have showed up.
My medical condition does not prevent me from bowling. That I'll do.
i dont like bowling alleys. people always seem to disappear and i get left alone inside. Undecided
Good. I'm glad.
not nice. words hurt
I'm sorry. I guess I got caught up in all the anger in this thread. :16:

Does Alkey have any idea how many people are confirmed to show for softball on YMB?
alkie doesnt know what time it is on YMB. you should ask FTL. he will give you the scoop. :-D
Be nice!
softball = outdoors = the only real choice.
yes fresh air = good
yes - plus it's easier to smoke, and you wont have people walking outside every five minutes to do so.
Quote:alkie doesnt know what time it is on YMB

I know it's dark.

That's all.
you have some huevos using the disappointed smilie

Yes, I do.
can i see them?
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