Full Version: Vengeance Thoughts and Predictions
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WWE title
Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle vs Big Show
Winner: Brock pins Big SHow

U.S. Title
Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit
Winner: Chris benoit with help from Tajiri

WWE Tag titles
World's greatest tag team vs Rey Mysterio and BIlly Kidman
Winner: World's greatest tag team after Kidman turns on Mysterio

Vince Mcmahon vs Zach Gowen
Winner: Zach Gowen

Sable vs Stephanie
Winner: Sable

John Cena vs Undertaker
Winner: John Cena

APA Barroom Invitational
Winner: Sean O'Haire

Possible match

Billy Gunn vs Jamie Knoble
Winner: Billy Gunn
My thoughts: It will blow
My prediction: It will get less of a buyrate than the very last WCW event.
... look, the product is in a downcycle again, it's gonna be another five years to get the next thing happening, discussing wrestling at this point would be the same as discussing wrestling at the point when Bret Hart had the title...