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:fuckin: ???

So you get my hopes up and then smash them to bits!!!1 Well fuck you cockmaster

I was all hot and bothered then you go and edit your post, you edited out you're true feelings and threw me away like old bathwater. Why?
Why can't it be like it was before, it's because I got fat, isn't it. You don't find me attractive anymore. Well you'r enot Mr. Perfect either, you just...

OK, I think I'll stop, I ran this one into the ground already
well uh YEAH...doc
Pepsi. Only Pepsi. I'd prefer tap water over Coca-Cola.
Quote:Pepsi. Only Pepsi. I'd prefer tap water over Coca-Cola.
Yes, finally someone helping the side of good taste.

Edited By Sluggo on Jan. 15 2002 at 8:55
My theory is that when they made "New Coke", they lost the recipe for the original Coke. That's why Coke tastes like shit now.
Pepsi, either regular or caffeine free
Quote:it was my idea to put lemon juice in diet coke. but what ever they used is not lemon juice. it tastes like those hot flu drink powder stuffs.

hey! that was my idea too! but what they put in it tastes terrible and gives me the worst belly aches ever. :disaprove: and my vote goes to diet coke.
Wormface is cool, he should post more
Quote:hey! that was my idea too! but what they put in it tastes terrible and gives me the worst belly aches ever.
Heh. I'd say something like "That ain't lemon flavoring!" but then it wouldn't be funny, because it is lemon flavoring. Maybe it would still be funny. I dunno, thoughts?:clueless:
dr pepper with captain morgan

red bull and vodka

orange or grapefruit juice and booker's bourbon
LZ... you really are retarted, right?
moron, did i not mention dr. pepper?

i personally enjoy diet pesi, diet pepsi twist, diet dr. pepper, and diet mountain dew.

and yes i am we todd did!

Edited By LZMF1 on July 29 2002 at 12:35
Here I thought Seph came back.....
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