Full Version: What I learned today 7/23/2001
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I learned Breuer + AIDS= Norton

I learned the first Barney was retarded

I learned Norton's idea for a sitcom involves celebrities, hookers and daeth

I learned that Jay Mohr and Jim Norton are B-list celebrities but Gilbert Gottfried is up there with Bruce Willis

I learned Garrett Morris actually gets work

I learned if anyone is a bad guest just clap until they leave

I learned Garret Moris is a Dice alternative

I learned Morris was shot in the head.
The lessons got a bit more tough and bitter after that though I'll bet.

But I got their asses back for ya real good, pal!
I was kinda pissed and anxious just before, thanks for adding repulsed and humiliated to the list.
Don't feel bad. Another ex-mod there owes his immortal soul & afterlife to me. Imagine how he feels.