Full Version: testing sig
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[pikture]C:/my pix/OA4LIFE.jpg[/pictorew]
Hey OAAWITE :lookatme:
stop pickin on the newbies.sorry you are so smart mr. computer genius.
is that a picture of froy on the index?
Excuse me, idiot. Don't fucking sass me. You want to take this to fight club? Do you know how many posts I have? Show some respect.
froy needs to look more like the fag that he is. Last time I saw him he was wearing a stupid fucking dalass cowboys shirt that looked like it was bought in the mid 80's.
yo, dont talk bout da king that way!!!!!!!
Gentlemen, this thread is for sig testing ONLY. Move along.
This is the Sleeper I can bare to look at without being so disgusted that I can't bare to look at him.