Full Version: Sausage & Peppers - so good...
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the syringes and crack vials being the chunks?
... i've yet to see these crack vials and needles that everyone talks about.
What do black people call It? Ketchup? Spaghetti-0 juice?
That bit could be a reminant of the early to mid-90's... I saw the medical waster firsthand. Of course, I was as Sandy Hooker, so it's to be expected.
....pfft, you fool. Black people only eat chicken and watermelon.
Without gravy? The cretins.
we call it "cracker juice".
those wacky negroes... I love 'em...
Jeez, oppress a people for a few hundred years and they get all uppity and call us "Crackers". Typical.
Kid Afrika Wrote:we call it "cracker juice".
does your mother get offended?
"cracker" is the polite term. You don't want to know what we call you behind your backs.
Black people calling white people crackers is funny.

It's like when the toddler sits in the driver's seat of the parents car. "Oh look, sweetie, he's trying to drive the car. How cute."
yea racial slurs against whites are adorable :loveya:
I'd hate to hear the derogatory terms they have for us. They must be brutal.
"Educated opportunity offered!"
and probably the worst,
"Little lips!!"
Not even warm.
i call it sauce
spaghetti is a type of pasta
macaroni and pasta are the same fuckin thing
i know people that call it gravy
they are sicilian
and if the fact that someone calls it gravy bothers you
you need to find a hobby cause you got to much time on yer hands
sauce wins :banana:
sauce is the cheap shit you buy at the supermarket. gravy is homemade and tastes much better.
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