Full Version: Sausage & Peppers - so good...
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you mean masturbate
It's euro rules down there....
you mean guacamole rules
actually I meant to say guacamole skittles, but hey, you say tomato, I say potato
Quote:i don't think there is a correct way, thats like me telling you your music sucks. its a matter of personal preference.

If you prefer to be wrong, then I guess you have that right.

However, I will defer to the Italian and say that if you called it "la salsa", then you're being authentic, calling it "gravy" makes you a poseur.
but you're posing as a black man. its clear that you are actually a really lame white guy.

oh, and its still gravy. la salsa is what i dip my chips in.
My bricks are choking in rubber.
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