Full Version: Sausage & Peppers - so good...
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I've got some Sausage & Peppers on a roll, and it tastes delicious.
So, you're licking the cock and balls of some white guy, and you like it?
basically, yeah Rolleyes
Kid Afrika Wrote:So, you're licking the cock and balls of some white guy, and you like it?
Rolleyes isn't there some ugly tossed away white girl for you to be defiling right now instead of boring the rest of us with the overly used gay jokes?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
do you put gravy (thats tomato sauce for the non-paesans) on it, thats soooooo good.
... only jersey people do that...
Damn It, It's not called gravy. It's called sauce. If you're Italian and you call It gravy, It can mean only one thing. One of your ancestors was retarded and the gene has shown up In your DNA.
...ya, I mean, gravy isnt even an Italian word.... I know they don't call it gravy at Olive Garden...
Ask someone for gravy here and they're going to look at you like you're retarded...
What's more annoying, hearing people call it gravy to try and draw attention to themselves or people who pay attention to them?
I couldn't figure out why they call spaghetti macaroni me macaroni is macaroni and cheese...
They are two different types of pasta. That's the only different.
gravy is brown stuff made with your chicken or turkey or beef fat, anything made with tomatoes is a sauce. and if you say gravy to sound more italian, all you're doing is sounding like jersey trash because i've never heard an italian outside of jersey call anything gravy but the brown shit you put on your thanksgiving dinner
What she said.
my family calls it sauce

but we do call every pasta macaroni, except for spaghetti
haha keyser totally got chumped in this thread.
you say that like it's a rare occurrence
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