Full Version: Who will be the biggest whore of the month - Could it be you?
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I wish I could change my vote, Alkey is posting too much. lol
nobody can whore like alkey. none of you fuckers are even close.
Does Alkey need a hug?
criticslovesnatch Wrote:nobody can whore like alkey. none of you fuckers are even close.
Words of wisdom.
criticslovesnatch Wrote:nobody can whore like alkey. none of you fuckers are even close.
i've had my post count up above his a few times today...its competiton...kinda
<font size=7 color=red>BAH!</font>
IrishAlkey Wrote:

Not only are you a whore, you're a loser too. :roltflmao:
That hurt.
damn, i think you'd be used to it by now...
FNMoron Wrote:

Not only are you a whore, you're a loser too. :roltflmao:
That hurt.
damn, i think you'd be used to it by now...
Burn me a CD, bitch.
Quote:Burn me a CD, bitch.
That's it Alfey...
You get nothing from the Moron...
Burn you own Goddamn cd cunt.
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:Burn me a CD, bitch.
That's it Alfey...
You get nothing from the Moron...
Burn you own Goddamn cd cunt.
Just this one time, let your bitch speak for himself...that is if he can remove his cock from your mouth for just a fleeting moment.
Hahahahahaha, you sir Alkey...
Am a dick.
Sluggo Wrote:Hahahahahaha, you sir Alkey...
Am a dick.
Recognizing it is the first step to recovery.
are you guys picking on alkey again? :oh shit:
crx girl Wrote:are you guys picking on alkey again? :oh shit:
Well...Maynard isn't around...
Gotta stay sharp...
Quote:Burn me a CD, bitch.
yeah, ok.... as soon as I hook my CD burner up to my new computer... until then :no, really, fuck off: :no, really, fuck off: :no, really, fuck off:
what the fuck?
someone must have voted.
Oh, cause I was wondering. The last reply was by moron but it had todays date on it. I thought momo hax0r us but then I remembered... it's momo for christ sakes.
i guess we found out who the biggest whore was after all
I'm a virgin.
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