Full Version: Yet another Madden - and so the email volley begins
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im gonna cry! i wanna play!!! :7:
So far it is probablly the best football game I've played, NCAA this year was a little disappointing, still good, but not when compared to how great last years version was.

The playmaker control is the coolest addition so far, but just the overall package alone looks so much cooler than last year
I just picked it up, and i'm happy to see that the Eagles are downright nasty this year.
in the stores i went into in manhattan they didn't have it yet, and now i don't feel like going out to see if any stores on staten island do
so i'll wait
i got my copy!!! no preorder bullshit either, just walked into best buy and asked for one :thumbs-up:

oh and yeah, the eagles are fucking amazing :5: :5:
I shant purchase it. I have officially become too old and too cool for video games. Next is messageboards.
madden is no video game.... it is a way of life
the 2k series has better gameplay, but madden owns everything else
the 2k series is for faggots and queens

just to prove how awful it is, it now has the ESPN seal of approval.......
what does espn have to do with anything? it makes the game look cool.
There was a 2 hour discussion this morning on philly sports radio (610 for you locals) about which game was better, 2k4 or madden. Finally after talking about it for so long the jock just said "I can't believe we talked about this issue for so long... it's a frickin VIDEO GAME."
every game that has ever had ESPN attached to the title, has SUCKED

espn on a video game = doom
except the first X Games , game for PS1
but they dont have anything to do with it other than the name. they dont affect the gameplay or anything but the presentation
first Xgames for ps1 was legendary.... street luge was so cutting edge back then
I just opened it and was gonna go online. Already problems getting on the server. Can't do it. Not surprising at all really.
probably everyone is trying out the online feature today so all the servers are packed
It's not called 2k4 anymore, it's ESPN Football

The graphics will be better than Madden, just like they've been for the past few years, the announcing and presentation will be ten times better than Madden which just recycles the same 10 lines over and over again, but Madden's depth and gameplay will make it better, although ESPN football has some cool ideas like first person mode and stuff like that.
i have to agree with gomez. but it really does come down to gameplay though, thats the most important thing and the sole reason to keep playing it over and over again.
How's the online game play? And whens the first annual CDIH football tournament?
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