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An Aviation Maintenance Company contracted by the government
are they hiring?
Actually yes.

We're looking for a Training Clerk.

You'll get your own stapler and everything.
I meant for the gangbang.

I doubt it.
We already have a midget and he's bringing his unicycle.
Goatweed Wrote:I meant for the gangbang.
Mrs. Goat not keeping the fire burning on the home front?
i think goat wants to be a fluffer.
fuck you both - a man can't get a little side action anymore?
I dont need no fluffer.

This chick has a small, sexy gap between he front teeth.
And a body that was built for fucking.

I'm going to pull her hair.

Edited By Hoon on 1060203900
a gap in her teeth? like a snaggletooth?
oh god, not snagletooth, tell me, does her skin feel like it came from a shark? somehow that girl always seems to end up in conversation on the boards

Its not all bent and yellow like Jewels teeth and Alkey's ear.

Her teeth are perfectly straight and white...
It's just that there's a small, subtle gap between her front teeth.

It's sexy as hell.
who the fuck is gonna be intimidated by a canadian cowboy?
Fucko Wrote:who the fuck is gonna be intimidated by a canadian cowboy?
That was two pages ago numb nuts.
yeah, I didn't really care to fiddle through your fodder. Cause if I wanted to hear you moan, i'd fuck you.
How unoriginal.
You sure showed me, I will bow out now cause I can tell I stand no chance.
now ive lost interest in this thread.
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