Full Version: Nautical looking negro's
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dock nigga say cookachoo
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Uppity Negroes.
What do negro's and sperm have in common?
Only one in two million work

What do you call a white man surrounded by 5 black men?
A victim

What was missing from the million man march?
An auctioneer

How do you know Adam and Eve weren't black?
Ever try taking a rib from a negro?
Hoon = TFEC?
:bow: massa
Goatweed Wrote:Hoon = TFEC?
I don't know what a TFEC is...

Because I'm not "one of the gang".
"it"'s a "who" (though even that's debateable)...

I'm assuming he got the email also, maybe you'll have the pleasure of meeting him - then you can be "one of the gang" :lol:
Don't know him and I sure ain't him.

For the record..
-I have no aliases.
-I am not Ken
-I am not TFEC
-I will not dumb down just to conversate with Alkey.
I know you're not him, but the two of you would get along great!
'Conversate' isn't a fucking word, fuckwit.

It's 'converse'.
Converse is a shoe, piss pot.
In your feeble mind, I'm sure that's all it is.
Jesus, why so sensative?

Are you not feeling fresh?

You might wanna' change that quote in your sig.
I am hoon,
I am also Sluggo and Balloon not.

I am also the ghost of Silera's small ass.
IrishAlkey Wrote:You might wanna' change that quote in your sig.

Now that I know it bothers you, it excites me.
Thanks anyways

I'm terribly bothered by the fact that you're stupid.
rubber boots fishin hats big ol' lips and a fist full of crack. :1:
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