Full Version: Children - people who shouldn't have them
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i have two blind melon albums and i still listen to them quite often. i think hoon is just another moron who, in desperately trying to prove he's better than the rest of us, merely shows how stupid he is.
I can't believe people still think Cartman is funny.

I mean, even JJ wore 'Dy-no-mite' out at a certain point.
ok now you've done it. Jimmy Walker is a god compared to that dead blind melon guy.
Some people like this. Some people like that. Who gives a fuck?
We like you..... do you give a fuck?
No I charge 50 bucks. OHHHHH!!!
crx girl Wrote:i have two blind melon albums and i still listen to them quite often. i think hoon is just another moron who, in desperately trying to prove he's better than the rest of us, merely shows how stupid he is.
That's just your insecurity talking.
I think Cartman is as lame as Tom and Jerry.
From derive that I think I'm better than you?

Your no intellectual, my friend.
Take a joke.

Edited By Hoon on 1060297217
hoon's alright - just testing the thickness of his skin - which I think will need more testing...
Goat gets it.

It's an exceptional person who can give and take jabs without getting defensive & moody.
Fortunately, he's not the only one...but I do see a few drama queens.
i can't take jokes

Intellectuals these days sure are lacking intellect.
IrishAlkey Wrote:'you're'

Intellectuals these days sure are lacking intellect.

Your not resorting to critiquing spelling errors are you?
That is a tell tale trait of any boards 'local loser'.
Your the kind of nerds my friends and I would piss on in the gym showers.
Yes but we would ask you to aim at our mouths
I wouldn't be concentrating so much on your destruction of my language had you not claimed to have a more highly developed brain.

Oh, and I'd slam your head into the tiles and shit on your back.

Hi, DIG.
I would never piss what I fuck.
You're just not gonna fit in around here then.
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