Full Version: Children - people who shouldn't have them
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IrishAlkey Wrote:Fag.
Clit nibbler
Yes, I'm straight.

You're gonna' make me cry.
diceisgod Wrote:You're just not gonna fit in around here then.
Now that made me laugh.

You should watch and learn from Dice, Alkey.
Either this Hoon character is a complete idiot, or he plays one on TV.
Be quiet.

He's sending you checks.
I'd play the role of your husband on tv...

But children turn me off and and I can't bring myself to choke you in front of them.
Decipher that please.
I think it means he want to fuck you while wearing a Barney outfit.
How about I just choke you with a banjo string?
Just finished jerking off to Deliverance?

I just finished practicing with my bluegrass band.
That's what you call your balls, dick and asshole?
No...I call them 'weapons of mass destruction'

I'm in dealings with Libya now.
I bet we couldn't find yours either.

They would be buried deep inside 'the chick on the left'
I don't think she likes you.
That's not what she wrote on my dirty windshield.
I bet Jack would think that was a zinger.
But your signature pic probes unexplored areas of comedy.
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