Full Version: Children - people who shouldn't have them
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Some people are just not meant to do certain things in life. Not everyone should go to college, not everyone should get married and not everyone should have kids.

I think Hoon is one of them, for all of the above. forgot posting and starting threads in your list.
My baby is waiting for me in heaven.
finish the 1st grade before you die alkster! :lol: :rofl: :lol:
1 + 1 = fudge!
if only

The Jays forgot posting and starting threads in your list.
Duly noted, I'm trying here. This is fairly new to me.
Who are these people? Do we have some new "Be friendly to the retarded" directive I'm not aware of?

And before you get your devious little claws on your keyboards, no one has ever been nice to me, so save that witty little insult.

Edited By Zootybang on 1060227756
... I kept my claws at bay when I read your post... tis ok, sweetie!
Thanks snookums.
I feel like I have failed miserably in my attempts.
That depends on what you were attempting.
To fit into this strange place and be loved by all.
Good luck. I've been here for a few years and I think 2, no, maybe 3 people know who I am.
Looks like I have some work to do.
It's probably just that I suck. You'll no doubt have an easier time.
Unless, of course, you say something silly. Then you're toast.
I hate you less than Hoon.

I hope that helps.
where's foo?
See? you're making friends and building bridges already!
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