Full Version: My final straw with the gamecube - Enough is enough
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I rushed out and got a GameCube the day it came out with Star Wars: RS and the promise of games to come. 4 and a half months later and there has yet to be any games on this fuckin system to get my intrest. Finally, AllStar Baseball 2003 was released on Tuesday and I was beyond happy. Now, while the sound was a little muffled, I loved this game. Finally, a new game for my $200 paperwieght. The detail was incredible all the way to Johnson's high socks from The Yanks.

So, I start a franchise and play through a few games. The hitting is a pain in the ass to say the least, but, the game is still fun. Shit, it even has games with rain, the first time I have ever seen that on a video game. So, after my games, I go to save my franchise, which I took a few hours updating rosters to the most current form with the help from

I can't save. I keep getting errors while trying that I do noit have enough memory. I find this to be odd cuz I have a brand new card loaded to play the game. After five tries, I noticed something that made no fuckin sense at all at this point. A screne came up saying I need 157 blocks of memory to save this game. Wait a fuckin minute, GC cards only have 59 blocks of memory. So, I open the instruction booklet and lookee here, it actually says that there is no memory card that can actually save for a franchise or if you make an expansion team.

What the fuck is this happy horse shit? Why make a fuckin game that can't be saved? This is the shitiest thing I ever seen on a game system ever. How does Nintendo allow such a thing to take place? Am I supposed to just wait for an after market card to come out that would be almost three times the fuckin size of a regular memory card?

I have offically gave up on the GameCube. I already gave it away and will stick with my PS2 and Dreamcast from here on in. Fuck Nintendo and fuck Acclaim for making this game with such a glaring flaw. :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
that's why i stick to my ps2 and xbox. fuck nintendo they make it seem that they're getting away from being a kiddie system and they may actually be doing that but they have made up for that in other ways like you pointed out.

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 08 2002 at 10:34
This system was doomed to fail.

Nintendo is the next Sega. They'll wind up making games for PS2 and X-Box in a few years, just watch.
ps2 owns.
i have a gc, but so far only rouge squad. and smash bros., and i remember reading that there is a much bigger memory card due out soon.basically, its the typical nintendo thing...they made a pretty good product(great graphics, superior remote to x-box, compact, etc.), but they didnt finish it.same happened with n64 and its expansion pack.time would let you save, but the game had to be released before time.and i think illegitimate cards might be big enough, even though its too late
or you could just buy a ps2 which has great graphics, a sufficient memory card, and dvd capabilities.
I am just fully disgusted with Nintendo at this point. They obviously rushed the system to market to make sure Xbox didn't get a head start on them. That much is obvious by the fuckin pitiful ammont of games available at launch. Rougs Squadren is not a good enough reason to own a system. Like i said, I gave it away, not sold, gave, to a friend and I will no longer buy shit from nintendo anymore. If anything, I will buy an Xbox if I get tired of my PS2 but I don not see that happening anytime soon.
Sean Cold Wrote:I am just fully disgusted with Nintendo at this point. They obviously rushed the system to market to make sure Xbox didn't get a head start on them. That much is obvious by the fuckin pitiful ammont of games available at launch. Rougs Squadren is not a good enough reason to own a system. Like i said, I gave it away, not sold, gave, to a friend and I will no longer buy shit from nintendo anymore. If anything, I will buy an Xbox if I get tired of my PS2 but I don not see that happening anytime soon.
Next time you are giving a console(or any piece of electronics for that matter) please give it to me.
lmao am u cheap fuck
I always knew tthere was a reason I never bought that system. Sean that sucks man, you wasted $200 on a piece of shit system that isn't going to last long at all.

That doesn't make AM cheap at all. He jus wants somthing for free instead of paying for it...oh wait, nevermind.
[Image: xbox-new.jpg]
I was actually thinking about getting an Xbox but I am going to wait a full year and see how the games are. It is yet another system I would only buy for one game at this point, and that game is Halo. Sure, I have heard there is a few good games and all but I am only intrested in Halo at this point.
I just beat Halo the other day. Most amazing game ever in my book.

The amount of detail in the games for xbox is stunning.
Atari 2600 RULES!

I have all the Atari 2600 DOS emulation games. I know you are all jealous, I understand.
I own GameCube, PS2 and XBox.

All of them are sitting and collecting dust. The last good games I played were Max Payne and Grand Theft Auto III.
SLASH Wrote:Atari 2600 RULES!

I have all the Atari 2600 DOS emulation games. I know you are all jealous, I understand.
Sean, the only drawback (for me personally) with XBox is the size of the controller. You need a mighty big pair of hands to maneuver that thing. The first time I ever used it, I started getting cramps in my wrists and fingers. My hands are just too small for the controller.
Ahlexus Wrote:Sean, the only drawback (for me personally) with XBox is the size of the controller. You need a mighty big pair of hands to maneuver that thing. The first time I ever used it, I started getting cramps in my wrists and fingers. My hands are just too small for the controller.
i prefer that you call it a penis. i am very sensitive about that.
I've been trying to decide which system to get, since my roommate already has a kind of defeats purpose since I can just borrow it's been between the GAMECUBE and the XBOX. I've been reading up on both...and both have faltered due to it looking like they were rushed out to meet that Xmas rush, and not let PS2 go uncompeted with for another year. It looks like both systems are coming out with stuff in this coming year (Zelda, MArio, Mario Kart, Wresltemania) for GAMECUBE..which had me leaning in that direction. But...I can't see spending money on either b/c they have not come out with enough software to warrent their purchase. Nintendo has me very satisfied with their N64...and one would think that Microsoft would be planning and creating some stuff for the XBOX...but much like one year ago with the PS2, where it was introduced with nothing to show for it, and shortchanged the public for a full year..I just cannot give them my money with no immediate satisfaction. I still have my Dreamcast (with NHL2K2, Skies of Arcadia and the many my brother burned for free courtesy of the web)...and unelss something changes with either system, I just can't get myself to make the purchase. MEanwhile, has pre-owned and guaranteed PS2's with GTA 3 and Metal Gear Solid for $250.