Full Version: What's the bad luck you can always count on? - Your own murphy's law!
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the checkout at stores. no matter how short of a line i get in, something will happen and i'll still end up getting done slower than all the people in the mega lines on either side of me.

also, electrical items. stereos, vcrs, computers, nothing ever works right for me. i can walk into a room and within seconds all the computers will crash. Rolleyes :confused: Rolleyes
my reply seems to be missing, maybe this will help...
My bad luck is the damned shower in this fuckin building. Usually, the hot water can leave first degree burns all over your fuckin body. But, when I am in a rush and need to take a shower asap, fuckin hot water is always cold. I guess I should be more like GS and just say fuck the shower and go out smelling like a bum.
I know that whenever I wash my car, it rains the next day. I know that whatever lane I merge into in a traffic jam will be the one that is closed.... I know that in my bizarro world it is possible to get arrested for driving with a suspended license for not carrying insurance on my stolen car.
Nothing bad ever happens to me.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Nothing bad ever happens to me.
Hid the mirrors and the evidence again Snuk?

Like fuckin clockwork, whenever I need to get a parking space close to mi casa, it never happens. I always wind up two fuckin blocks away when I need it damn it. Like today, it's raining and I need to ge food shopping, so that translates into no fuckin parking!
I get to work before everyone else every day, but any time we have a meeting, no matter how early I leave home, I am always late.

No matter what lane I get in on the bridge, it seems like I'm always stuck behind some fucker who didn't notice the massive purple ez-pass sign, and is stopping traffic trying to get out of the lane
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