Full Version: Happy anniversary to me!! - everybody sing along now
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last month was my 3 year anniversary of joining the board, sorry you all missed the kick ass party.
All fixed. Everbody dance!! :banana: :banana:

My favorite words on that screen capture are "down" and "final".
so, the board went down on october 11th, your year seems to be missing a couple of months
note right bottom corner: visitors since blah...

That I believe was the current date. That page appeared the day after..maybe a few days after...not sure...but it sure is wicked fun...I happened to come a cross that image five days ago (go ahead give me one of these Rolleyes but it is true)...couldn't resist. Whether or not it's the correct date is irrelevant. Do you really think Jesus Christ was born on Dec. 25th? It all about the party not the semantics. Now party up pricks.
um, i think the show went off the air on 8/23, but the board didn't get shut down until october.
Put a cock in it.
that's a keeper - thanks!
Don't thank me. Thank Fast Freddy.
so, what am i putting a cock in ?
crx girl Wrote:so, what am i putting a cock in ?
if you werent an eagles fan, id hate you so much.
Quote:if you werent an eagles fan, id hate you so much.

If you weren't a jew I'd probably not hate you as much.
you are almost as obsessed with the golden age as gooch is.
eagles vs bucs

its going to be a bloodbath
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