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He doesnt even know what a Smith Barney is.
I got the Jesus channel in my hotel room. Best channel ever.
i bet its glorious.
Until you watch the prayer channel with the creepy nun who looks like the midget lady from poltergeist, we have nothing further to discuss.
she sucks a mean dick.
i thought she died
Quote:I got the Jesus channel in my hotel room. Best channel ever
Sleeper means so much to this website.
oh, you're just saying that :2:
Don't think i don't see what you're doing, trying to fish for more so i go over my once a week quota
quota? save your SAT words for the classroom you crazy talker.
The old chick on the Jesus channel had a stroke but with the grace of god....
He chose to subject her to a life diminished capacity and soiling herself in front of the cameras
instead of taking her peacefully in her sleep.

That Jesus, what a joker.
only the good die young
Billy Joel was a wise man.
he was before he got married.
bland is a huge billy joel fan
Billy Joel fans can be divided into two catagories.

Early Stuff like "Still Rock N' Roll To Me" fan = Tolerable

Late Stuff like "In The Middle Of The Night" fan = Fagosexual
I agree with Hoon - should I kill myself?
ok, good - cause I was like ----> <---- that close to doing it, too.
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