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How come macaroni and cheese spirals taste better than the regular noodles?
More surface area for the cheese to cling to the noodle.
Cause they're funner shapes.

By extension, ones shaped like Spongebob are tastier than spirals.
The same is not true for Chef Boyardee though. The more complex the shape the worse it tastes. See the TMNT pasta for example. Large mutant turtle shape pasta, and It tastes terrible, yet the incredibly simple ABC's and 123's is the best tasting.
i'm not eating pasta until my ass ceases to be a subject of ridicule
whos ridiculing your ass?
wbk and sleeper :33:
why don't you swing my way and back dat ass up?
i did not make fun, sleeper is the one who thought that was your ass!
WhackBagKid Wrote:i did not make fun, sleeper is the one who thought that was your ass!
oh that's right, you just called me the ugly girl :36:
but it was a joke, because i thought you were in there!
sleeper <3s backfat
that was your ass????????
no :9:
well who's ass was it then?
If Tricia put cheese over the entire surface area of her ass, it'd be a tastier ass.
but would make for a crappy Chef Boyardee shape.
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