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:fuggin: pot poems, for you slow folk

I'd jump thru hoops to have you
I'd cross the seas to find you

up & down the street I roam
calling out your name

everybody wants you
but all the wells are dry

I checked the box
I checked the bag

whispers in the dust
tell me you're not there

such a little slut you are
they all want a ride

scraped the bowl last week
& smoked to your goodbye

yayyyyyyyyyy, now you go
tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow
so you say & so I wait
fistfull of money & nowhere left to go
called the list & checked it twice
and and and
bang my head against the wall
just to knock me down
sleep comes fitfull
to those who do without
ok last one for now

black, red, brown, blue
doesn't matter, pot loves you
smoke it, grow it, eat it whole
here my friend, take the bowl

pass it round & you will see
what once was two, now is three
more come round when the lighter clicks
hide your weed & call them dicks

share with friends is the way to do it
we're so munchie, we'd eat suet
cough up a lung, onto the floor
if I could move, you'd go out the door

at a concert, in the park
light one up when it goes dark
drinking is legal, that's just fine
you have your's & I'll have mine

heroin, coke, pills & meth
all these things will steal your breath
stick to pot & you will find
all it kills is your mind

there's no worries, I remember
the next month is September
back to school the children go
rather they smoke, than do blow

can you find the moral here
isn't it easy, isn't it clear
gateway drug, kiss my ass
quit your yapping, pass the grass
nice to see you :fuggin: :bouncer: