Full Version: My 'u' button is stuck
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I have to press it several times for it to register. This is getting aggravating. any thoughts on how to fix this? It's a laptop and the keyboard is old and has lots of dirt on it so that's probably the problem, but I'm afraid I'll break something if I try to clean it.
a can of compressed air might clean it out - otherwise the button might be shot. Try the air, it's like $5 at any Staples.
haha i remember freshman year some fat girl came into or dorm and asked if we had compressed air and we all made fun of her. Ah that was a fun year. oh yea thanks.
was she black? :lol:

I hope it works.
i saw that comment coming a mile away, and no.
I know, I wanted to hold it in but I just couldn't - forgive me Undecided
my roomate was black, he was so cool. We did Arnold Swarzanegger prank calls together. I'll move this to the golden age now.
don't write words with a "u" in them.

It will make communicating fun because it will also be a game that only you can play.
so, is it ok to spray compressed air into a keyboard on a laptop? because i need to clean mine but i was worried it might damage the stuff under the keyboard. and sleeper if it still doesn't work you can buy keyboards pretty cheap these days...
yes it's ok - at most, you'll free up a lot of dust which is a good thing.

I hope your "u" doesn't stop working - you wont be able to use flavour or colour anymore...
it would be a disaster
it truly would.
just pry off the "n" and turn it upside down whenever you need a "u"

Edited By Galt on 1062616863
Trish would have slashed his wrists by now if her "U" button was stuck.
i nudged it around a little and it looks like it got un-stuck, hooray!
If you're going to spray compressed air on your laptop keyboard, it's probably best to spray it in the air first to make sure no liquid comes out. Then keep the can upright when spraying it on the keyboard. Sometimes, there will be dirt or a food particle under a key and that will make it not work. It's ok to pop the key off carefully, clean the dirt and pop the key back on. It's also a kewl way to fuck with people who "hunt and peck"... switch all the letters around on the keyboard and watch them get very frustrated when every letter they type is wrong.
instead of re-arranging peoples keyboard letters, go get hookers, they're legal out there.
Here's an ideafor you... Get a real job and move out of your mom's house.

Anyway, hookers are not legal in Clark County. Not that I would get one anyway.
Quote: kewl
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