Full Version: War movies - WWII or Vietnam
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I didn't like it that much, mainly because while it was loosely based on fact the sad truth is even colder.

While there were meetings on the deciding of actually exterminating the jews during 1942. The original plan was actually discussed in the backseat of one of Hitlers cars between the Fuhrer and one of his Generals Heinrich, it was actually Heinrichs idea to gas jews. Though originally jews were not the main targets, the Nazi's had gassed polish, gays and handicapped people a while before they figured they could do the same with jews.
Marry me, Gonz.
I have an idea. Let's gas the jews.
Another good movie with a war background that I have to watch everytimes it's on tv is "Swing Kids". It's an 80's type teenagers-coming-of-age movie, if you were a teenager growing up in Nazi-Germany that is. I think it was a good film that basically captured the "Nazi" crede. "follow what the Nazi's want, or suffer the horrible consequences" Plus the scene where Robert Sean Leonard delivers boxes of the ashes of the incinerated jews to their families was just too fucking creepy.
diceisgod Wrote:I have an idea. Let's gas the jews.
it was done before.
Since we've basically gone through the best war films and have delved into films inspired by the war.

Europa, Europa is an excellent foreign film. It's based on the life of Salomon Perel, who, after his brother fell into German hands, suppressed his Jewish heritage in order to avoid certain doom at the hands of the Nazis and inadvertently became a German hero.
I watched Hamburger Hill last night. While the acting was awful and the focus was a little over-sensationalized, it did have some memorable moments. I'll watch it again before I move on. It was interesting to see that 'the practice' Bobby guy looking so young.

Did I mention I've got this whole topic printed? Every movie I haven't seen that actually touches (even peripherally) WWII I intend to watch. I'll probably watch whatever Vietnam movies I haven't seen too but lately I am on a Hitler bender.
Don't know how I missed this topic the first time around...I fuckin love war movies. A bunch of good ones that I didn't see listed, at least I don't think I did, I just kinda skimmed...

First I must say that The Thin Red Line is great (the original, I haven't seen the remake).

The Deer Hunter
Stalag 17
Paths Of Glory
The Great Escape
Das Boot
The Guns of Navaronne
Tora Tora Tora
Cross Of Iron
Grave Of The Fireflies (WWII based Japanese Animation. Trust me, this rules like a motherfucker)

I'm sure I'll think of more later...but you want ALL this.
I didn't notice that you were only looking for WWII and Vietnam I guess I should point out that Paths Of Glory and Gallipoli are both set during WWI. The Deer Hunter is Vietnam, the rest of the ones I listed are WWII.

Also, there was an episode of Tales From The Crypt titled "Yellow" that was set during WWI with Kirk Douglas and Dan Akroyd, and if you can find it, I HIGHLY recommend it. Probably the best episode in the entire series.

And I think someone mentioned it earlier, but The Killing Fields is a must see movie dealing with the "conflict" in Cambodia.
I just don't know much about WWI, but I'm open to any good war movies... civil war too, I've just spent most of my interest & reading on WWII & Vietnam so far is all. I loved Gangs of New York though, which was only about the civil war in a very sideways way but still related if you know what I mean, I love all that stuff... lots of GoNY fans here... & that's another one I will own before the week is out... I been feelin a Best Buy frenzy descending.
Tigerland was pretty good

Not really an actual war movie but it gives an interesting view of the Vietnam war
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