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Quote:and goaty, have you ever tried vinegar on your chips? it's good

I like salt & vinegar potato chips, but I think if I took a french fry and dipped it in vinegar it wouldn't taste quite the same...
you don't dip it in vinegar moron, you sprinkle vinegar on it. sorry to call you moron cause you know i love ya, but that's what you're sounding like right now. a mind is like a parachute... wait ten seconds and pull the string?
crx girl Wrote:you don't dip it in vinegar moron, you sprinkle vinegar on it. sorry to call you moron cause you know i love ya, but that's what you're sounding like right now. a mind is like a parachute...
sorry, I'm not up on Limey Cuisine - I had no idea you sprinkled it. I may be a moron, but not about this - I'm just uninformed :-D

And I have an open mind - I've eaten all kinds of things, but if food sounds unappetizing it kinda makes it hard to wanna try it. I fucking hate broccoli and cauliflower, but I know people that love it. I think they small nasty no matter how you cook it - I've tasted them and it tasted exactly like I imagined it - nasty.

I love herring in sour cream and onions, people think that's some of the most disgusting stuff sold in the dairy aisle. To each his/her own...

Get me high enough though, and I'll eat anything :lol:
that sounds like a challenge
Goatweed Wrote:I love herring in sour cream and onions, people think that's some of the most disgusting stuff sold in the dairy aisle. To each his/her own...
my dad eats that shit. it fucking reeeks!

i don't like putting anything on my pizza except for hot pepper. maybe red peppers. but green peppers suck.
crx girl Wrote:that sounds like a challenge
bring it on!!
You guys love each other. It's painfully obvious to the rest of us.
what are you trying to say?
yeah - what she said!
Nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more...
I don't know. I'm gonna go have another cup of coffee.
what he said
I'm drinking water - maybe that's the problem.
i'm drinking water too :30:
You just might be onto something.
i love brocolli
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