what republicans are embracing Arnold? I've seen none. In fact, most republicans would prefer he didn't win because he's more a libertarian with the social liberalism and fiscal conservatism.
If it were between Arnold and a democrat most would prefer him, but he's far from being a poster child for conservatism.
I just assumed that Rush and Sean and Fox News espoused the opinions that they were instructed to have.
I am not sure what actual "Politician's" opinions are, just the mouthpieces, both hosts and callers....
but my thread is dedicated to Right wingers as a breed, so I stand by my comments.
Dude, he's married to a Kennedy. How much more moderate could a Republican be?
reading comprehension would help,
we were talking about W's personal life,
not Arnold's.
I quoted and responded to what Keyser said. Keyser's post was in reponse to this.
Quote:REPUBLICANS have embraced him.
which is my point, they basically said all actors should stay out of politics one day,
and the next embraced Arnold.
his policy as he spelled it out so far includes,
Terminating the Deficit......
yeah he should be in office.
So, you were talking about Bush in that blurb ?
no I think you are wrong as to what Keyser was responding too.
And I don't care how moderate or conservative Arnold is. I don't mind when a celebrity shoots his mouth off and gives an opinion. Because frankly I don't give it more weight than any body else's.
I do think it's silly when a celebrity can trade fame for votes. I am against the Sonny Bono's etc. running for office.
In the case of Arnold I was really objecting to the hypocrisy of opinion. One day it was caller's and hosts slamming the Dixie Chick's, Sean Penn, Mike Farrell, and (that bug eyed chick and her husband)
they weren't attacking them on their position alone, but it was a general, "celebrities should make records, movies and shut up"
they aren't qualified to voice opinions.
then the next day arnold is in the race, and NOBODY questioned his ability to run a state the size of California.
just hypocrisy in my opinion.
Quote:One day it was caller's and hosts slamming the Dixie Chick's, Sean Penn, Mike Farrell, and (that bug eyed chick and her husband)
they weren't attacking them on their position alone, but it was a general, "celebrities should make records, movies and shut up"
they aren't qualified to voice opinions.
then the next day arnold is in the race, and NOBODY questioned his ability to run a state the size of California.
I think this is an extreme generalization of the right. There are some hosts that actually said that celebrities should shut up (see wacko Michael Savage), and some hosts that simply disagreed with their opinions, and felt they were wrong. And there are some hosts that feel any change is better than the current state of governorship in California, and some hosts who question his actual ability.
Quote:So why is it, that all the smug faced Conservatives,
have been wrong about almost EVERY issue on the war on terror,
yet refuse to step off their, "We know we are right" soap box?
What specific areas do you feel that have been wrong about, and why?
Iraq's connection to 9-11 and terror in General,
The actual threat level his weapons posed,
The actual amount of weapons he possessed
Our staging our military PRIOR to getting a UN approval for armed action
Our calculations as to the man power necessary to over throw and hold Iraq.
The Degree to which the Iraqis would celebrate their "liberation"
When those concepts were brought up, they were sneered at and dismissed.
OK. I don't listen to Rush anymore, but I know I have seen people on Fox News like Hannity not be a big fan of Arnold.
Also, there is a difference between Arnold, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Janine Garafolo, and all the other hollywoodites who are espousing their opinions.
Arnold is running. Arnold is putting his views to a vote (let's suspend the notion that he is avoiding at all costs any attempt to discuss his actual views). The point is. The other people you mentioned are sitting on their soapboxes using their fame to talk politics when they are as far removed from real life as possible. They have no idea what the fuck they are talking about, no history in politics, foreign affairs, economics or any of that shit. They make pretend for a living. Arnold is in the same boat as these people.
Where they differ is Arnold is actually running. He is putting his opinions to a vote. The rest are just whining. I don't want to hear what actors' opinions. I don't care what they have to say. I don't care what Arnold has to say either. When he's an actor.
If he's going to actually become a candidate and not just a loudmouth actor spouting off with nothing to risk and only more fame and publicity to gain, then he should be treated a different way than people who are merely actors on a soapbox.
Big difference. At least he has the balls to throw his hat in the ring.
I'd say he has no balls,
he threw his hat into a free for all. There are HUNDREDS of hats in the ring, there is no real campaign, no set debates, no nothing. It is a power grab in California, and he is banking that "name recognition" alone will win it for him, without answering a single question.
all he has given thus far is sound bites......
and while I have heard Hannity question how "conservative" he is. He also says he "thinks it's great" and is behind him, and his ability to "do a wonderful job".
I'm unsure of any connection to 9/11, and if you could, I'd realy like to see or read the statements that has the White House connecting 9/11 to Iraq.
I'm really befuddled as to why all this stuff came up that Iraq has all this capability. I always thought that the problem was that no one in the world really knew his capabilities, because he kicked out everyone in 1998, which broke the ceasefire agreement.
Our manpower in Iraq is enough, how is it not enough?
Where do you gauge the response that Iraqis have for us freeing them from Saddam?
current projections show a gross shortfall in manpower and $$$ to sustain the size force necessary over our projected occupation,
hence the white house seeking UN contribution of men.
Actors and actresses who use their celebrity as a platform to appear as experts on any political issue should be shot. Republican or Democrat. I hate them all.
However, if he's going to run he has a reason to speak.
If James Woods, Alec Baldwin, or Ted Danson were going to run for office and have to deal with getting .03% of the vote because everyone in America thinks their political opinions are loony, then more power to them. They would have every right to get airtime for their political views.
I don't think Arnold will win. But if it's between him and that Bustamante dude, then I'd rather have Arnold. Not because Arnold is qualified, but the people he'll surround himself with are more conservative than the people Bustamante will.
Quote:current projections show a gross shortfall in manpower and $$$ to sustain the size force necessary over our projected occupation,
try your senator....
I don't have a link,
just an established story.
Quote:When those concepts were brought up, they were sneered at and dismissed.
Also, plz show where this is true.
you want a link to what?
do you not recall how many times the term "anti " or " un american" was uttered to respond to challenges of fact?
"do we need another 9-11 before we respond"
pu leeze!
And, since the administration has totally fucked up and been wrong on everything, what do you think should have happened?
Quote:you want a link to what?
do you not recall how many times the term "anti " or " un american" was uttered to respond to challenges of fact?
"do we need another 9-11 before we respond"
pu leeze!
No, I don't recall, and I don't know which people you are referring to that would say them. Please refresh my memory, otherwise, it just seems like a general hatred for everything on the right wing without any facts to back it up.
We should have concentrated efforts on getting Bin Laden before setting our sites else where.
We should have hit some terror cells first in strategic strikes, trying to shake up the terror organizations.
We should have sought a UN agreement to go into Iraq, if it was deemed necessary. After 9-11 we had the sympathy of the world on our side, Bush blustered and acted with arrogance and turned the world opinion against us.
Bush went through a period of diplomacy for show. While we were sending our forces in to the Middle East, He pretended to care. it turned everyone off. Nobody wants to be told what to do. Many of these nations have no real power, so the pretense of it is very important.
Bush lacks what his Daddy had.