Full Version: CDiH Prayer Circle - please join hands
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That's right. Someone will have a nice tail soup of you maybe. His eye is on the sparrow.
I'm touched.

I take back everything I said about your fiance.

Olive Garden gave us after dinner mints! :banana:
I told you that place was great!
what the fuck is wrong with alkey? he goes to olive garden when there is so many far superior italian restaurants such as augustinos within a 2 mile radius of him. for shame.
But do they offer never ending pasta bowls?

It never ends.

I like the alfredo one.

My fiance is a different one than the one you used to insult. That one is ok to insult.

Dear God,
Thank you for taking care of Alkey. You know how he likes extremity. The bottomless pasta bowl was a nice idea.
I love him a little, you know.
Quality, not quantity my friend.
Quote:My fiance is a different one than the one you used to insult. That one is ok to insult.

Do you realize you don't have to say 'yes' every time?
Every time what?
Every time a man proposes to you...

Or was that other guy not a fiance and I'm just rambling incoherently, which I will then subsequently blame on my medication and disappear for the rest of the day to lick my wounds.
What makes you think I wasn't the one to propose? Crybaby. Plus the other one was never a fiance.


I've got nothing. :-(

I propose you will think of my on your honeymoon! :banana:
Of your what?
Doesn't matter.

I put the idea in her head.

It's now inevitable.
I wonder what he'd do if I called him "Alkey" at the moment of crescendo.

I'll let you know.
I did that once. I didn't say 'Alkey', of course... but it was still humiliating.
I could probably get away with yelling "Splat" if I do it while shooting a load on her back.
That turned me on.
I like to yell, "Take that you fucking slut!". This is why I only get laid twice a year. It takes her 6 months to forget I said it.
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