Full Version: CDiH Prayer Circle - please join hands
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Splat, will you marry me?
Alkey says no.
But thanks for asking.
"Take that you fucking slut!". God, that rocks when I do that!
Jack Wrote:Splat, will you marry me?
Bland, please do not desecrate the Prayer Circle with your tawdry little anecdotes.
Sometimes when I am feeling really dirty, I will yell, "Take that you fucking whore!".
Dear God,
Perhaps you should put chicken hearts in Bland's mailbox for his offenses.

Splat, reverent
One time I got biblical with this girl and I knew it was a one time thing, so I yelled,"Take that you slutty whore!". It was awesome!!
Bland is Baptist.
i like to go to the olive garden once in a while, though usually only while i'm in florida. we went to macaroni grill this time though, they have good bread there.
I would like to nail you while you are bent over the Olive garden salad bar and yell, "Take that you slut!".
that sounds like fun
The Olive Garden has no salad bar here. You people suck. I love Macaroni Grill. I want to live there.
crx girl Wrote:that sounds like fun
Name the Olive garden location and time of your choosing.
is there one in the city?
You can eat the bacon bits now.
I think there is one in midtown.
broadway and 48th, you kids have fun
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