Full Version: I just got my ass kicked...
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Pages: 1 2 a tomato slicer. my thumb bled a lot
a tomato slicer?
yes...a device that slices tomatos into little tomato wheels
Can you see bone?
Yeah, knives are so over rated.
no, i dont think it was that deep. it just punched 3 holes in my thumb that poured a lot of blood, and hurt like a motherfucker
Pain builds character. Go with it.
QuickStop Wrote:yes...a device that slices tomatos into little tomato wheels
a knife?
Serrated blade?

I sliced my thumb open with one of them and need to get stitches. What a pain in the ass that was.
i didn't need stitches but i have sliced a finger before on a tomato slicer, it's an embarrassing injury

Edited By crack hitler on 1063503721
What's that llama-fucking chick saying?
i work at subway which is where this happened...and they have a thing that has a series of stacked blades that you put a tomato in. you ram the blades into it and out pops a shitload of tomato slices. and when going to pick it up, the fucking thing slamed down on my hand and 3 blades smacked my thumb
She must be talking fast.
that was careless of you
Great now when I go to Subway I'm going to get the AIDS.
subway is run by indians near me. not a high quality establishment.
mine accident was even worse, i got the end of the tomato hung up in the blades so i thoughtlessly pushed it through with my thumb then ouch
Quote:that was careless of you
it wasn't entirely my friend that works there was picking it up by the handle to give to me, and when i took it and he let go, it hit me
when I worked at the NYU office, I cut myself on a tape gun while i was outside taping flyers, and I had to run all over the place to find a place with a band-aid.
i worked at a pizza place and i sliced my idex finger on my right hand almost off with the cheese grater machine one night. Luckly it only took a bunch of skin and finger nail off. But i did bleed all over the cheese and my buddy washed it off and put back in the bin for the customers.
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