Full Version: Who is Bland?
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What do small birds have to do with anything?
how come your IP address always changes?
Because I, GonzoStyle,Splatterpunk,Arpi,Ken,Arthur Bent, am a crafty one.
I'll get to the bottom of this!
its probably fast freddy / lou weed
No, you won't.
is that a challenge?

oh man i am good.
I am me, and no one else.
back to the drawing board :angry:
have him come to a board party.
board parties went out with bell bottoms
shhhhhh. If he goes then you can tell who he is. Maybe he'll wear a T-shirt with his sig on it.
I have a t-shirt with my sig on it.
The Sleeper Wrote:how come your IP address always changes?
I was thinking about buying a Zod t-shirt today. It's not my sig exactly, but it has Zod on it.
Goatweed Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:how come your IP address always changes?
Wrong. Idiot.
oh you and your 1 word sentences!
pretty soon, he's going to just use letters to signify phrases that he will put in his sig as a legend so he doesn't have to waste time typing the same thing over and over again in respone to various idiots' idiocy.
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