Full Version: i have to pee...
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but i just flushed a ginormous spider down the toilet in my office & i'm afraid it's gonna come back to get me. :26:
They do that sometimes.
i think your butt will scare him away
I heard they can live underwater for like weeks trapped in a air bubble waiting for revenge.
Sometimes They Come Back
that was mean. no boobs for you :17:
if he comes back up, just piss on him - serves him right for not taking the hint the first time.
Oh... to be that spider in Dru's toilet... :loveya:
I hope you shave down there, otherwise if he looks up he might think he sees his mommy...
Goatweed Wrote:I hope you shave down there, otherwise if he looks up he might think he sees his mommy...
Great.... now I have to pee.
Goatweed Wrote:I hope you shave down there, otherwise if he looks up he might think he sees his mommy...
i'm so happy i did this morning!
They say that 1 in 20 Americans has a cockroach in thier ear and don't know it. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.
pee in a gatorade bottle, like i did on my way home from work today.
i can't take it anymore.

pray for me....
I couldn't think of a better way to go if I was a spider. Here it comes...

Godspeed, little guy.
I wonder if she reads on the toilet... That's skeevy.
And I really hope she washes her hands...
It's been a really long time. I think the spider got his revenge and now her body is just a nesting ground for millions of baby spiders.
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