Full Version: Caramel Cheesecake and Pickled Onions..
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Pages: 1 2
Sounds like a one way ticket to Pukeville.
yeah but the real question is:

is it car-o-mel, car-a-mel or kar-mel?
Car-a-mel... of course!

It's kar-mel.
Sorry pal. "Kar-mel" Is a town in New York. "car-a-mel" is the candy. Pronounced exactly as it's spelled. If you say it any other way, you obviously have been having sex with your own mother and eating dog feces on a regular basis. Look it up. It's in the medical journals.
yea really, i don't see why anyone would have trouble pronouncing that word
Me neither. And dont get me started on "Nuclear".
Gonzo has a fancy little dog. With pretty pink bows in her hair.
car - a - mel
These are a few of my favorite things.
I was gonna disagree with anything danked said, I am trying to make him notice me.
Splatterpunk Wrote:ribs.
Spare ribs, dumplin toes.
just... wow!!
baby back ribs?
I feel a 'scanners' moment slowly approaching.
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