Sure, she can sing, but she actually thought that tuna was chicken and not fish.
Then tonight, she raises the bar on "Newlyweds" on MTV. She was offered buffalo wings and denied them because "I dont' eat buffalo".
Someone at the table reasoned that buffaloes(buffalo?) don't have wings to which she replied, "I never put that much thought into it".
I say Nick Lachey kills her by the end of season one, and doesn't get charged in the killing. What man wouldn't understand killing this stupid bitch. I mean yeah, she's fine as hell, but any man has his limits.
Dumber then a rock though. That would annoy the living shit out of me.
She's dumber than a wet rock. At least a dry rock has the sense to come in out of the rain.
Quote:You're actually watching "Newlyweds"., Kill yourself now.
it is an amazing show, just to watch how stupid she is
Cleaning? I don't like picking up my stuff, I just thought it would magically be clean.
She is quite clearly a mental retard. She's a rock with tits.
The funny part of the show is how good her husband comes off. He looks like the most normal dude, fighting to put up with her bullshit.
i llike when he found the dead mouse in the pool and she asked "how many dead mouses were in there" then he made the comment that the mouse had rigamortis. her reply "rigawhat, oh you just made that word up silly" at that exact moment the camera caught a look of horror on nicks face as he realized exaactly bow stupid this girl really was, and that all his friends weren't joking when they told him it was a mistake. he had this sad look on his face like i'll never be able to have an adult conversation with my wife unless she is holding a dictionary. i hate the fact that i actually feel bad for the guy.
She has got to so fucking good in bed for him to put up with her stupidity. Why else who anyone stay with her?
in one of the earlier episodes they were sitting around a campfire with nicks brother & his chick. they were talking about whether or not they wished their lives would be different. she was getting so annoyed with nick saying he wouldn't mind if his life turned out differently. he saw the look she was giving him & he said "no, of course not, i get to fuck jessica simpson"
i say divorce papers served for the final episode
id fuck some sense into her
Like you have it to spare?
that was a beautiful spike from and even more beautiful set up. nice job kid