Full Version: I don't watch TV
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I can't leave. I'd miss Alkey too much.

But Danked is on my mean list.
I love how a couple posts in you two started discussing TV shows after what DIG said.
You have no room to judge any of us.

You wouldn't have a paycheck if it wasn't for televison.
Quote:You have no room to judge any of us.

You wouldn't have a paycheck if it wasn't for televison.

Stop making fun of Galt.
IrishAlkey Wrote:You have no room to judge any of us.

You wouldn't have a paycheck if it wasn't for televison.
Yeah stupid cause TV produces movies.
Ever heard of made-for-tv movies, jackoff head?!
Out of all the things at my place, I think my TV is my least important item. This includes the kit kat wrapper in my fridge
it's still in the fridge? :rofl:
I like the phrase chucklehead
My dog provides infinitley more entertainment and enjoyment than my TV, but I don't have to get the tele to stop crapping on the area rug, so I guess I'll keep it.

Also, without a TV, how would pr0n get into my house?
on the computer?
Computers can do that? I think you're telling stories

Wait, does this mean I need a computer with the internet on it?
they have squirters on night calls live 411 right now.
Quote:I watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Oh thank God. I thought i was the only straight guy who watched that show. That little segment they have before the commercials, "Fag tips" or whatever they call it, is awesome. That one where the guy shows you how to open a CD wrapper by dragging it across a table edge works perfectly.
Quote:Oh thank God. I thought i was the only straight guy who watched that show
who here is straight?
Quote:Ever heard of made-for-tv movies, jackoff head?!

yeah those really account for the hollywood boxoffice numbers, doo doo face.
You're a chucklehead!
Zootybang Wrote:
Quote:That one where the guy shows you how to open a CD wrapper by dragging it across a table edge works perfectly.
what's wrong with using a knife? why do people need to complicate things?
Slide the cd down your ass like you're swiping a credit card.
I don't think I'm limber enough to do that. Can I sue if I pull a muscle trying to turn that far around?
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