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people still hackeysack?

i saw kids around my campus doing it today, i laughed at them to myself
i do find it disturbing that galt knew what quickstop said was a hackeysack term
i had no idea what he was talking about
go write a wacky random thoughts article about it!
i should
that and anime
people still play hackey sack, but its not just kick, pass, kick, pass. we get pretty intense with tricks and stalls and shit :5:
Now if only they would think to stuff the hackeysack with popouri....
NJ9 Wrote:Now if only they would think to stuff the hackeysack with popouri....
Why? It's not like you can smoke that stuff or can you?
Quote:Why? It's not like you can smoke that stuff or can you?

Do you inhale as you kick or does the winner get to smoke the contents of the bag?
we light it on fire and play and the hijinks ensue.
That sounds dangerous.

Make sure you tie your hair back before playing.
QuickStop Wrote:i was supposed to be in the computer room today, but instead we played hacky sack...soooo edgy

Quote:yeah well i pulled off an invert > quadruple jester today while hacking....huzzah
Quote:i do find it disturbing that galt knew what quickstop said was a hackeysack term

You're not very observant.

Edited By Galt on 1065018593
Quote:You're not very observant.
Pages: 1 2