Full Version: CDIH and YMB are merging!
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no there really is a thread like that
So, I was for the merger and new blood, but then I started reading the board and it's like all the good posters from OA came here, and all the bad ones went there. Save some overlaps, but for the most part, that place is devoid of any and all humor or interesting things.
Quote:but for the most part, that place is devoid of any and all humor or interesting things.

Then i guess you won't have that hard of a transition.
that zinger deserves an emoticon, but I'm too good for that.
I'm crushed.


I hurt.
And stupid...don't forget stupid
Quote:And stupid...don't forget stupid

Sorry, I never got that memo.
thats because you're supposed to be doing the light secretarial work around here.
Would you like regular or decaf in the mornings?
i dont drink coffee, i like to wake up surprised im receiving head though.
Galt Wrote:So, I was for the merger and new blood, but then I started reading the board and it's like all the good posters from OA came here, and all the bad ones went there.
Whew, glad to see I was one of the good posters. I was concerned about that for quite a good while, we're going public?
The Jays, we're going public?
indoodly do
wait, so instead of us going over there to post with the public, we're gonna bring all of them here?
I'll show him for tryin to show me!!
I hope posters get lost along the way.
Oh by public I meant as far as selling stock, come on it's a goldmine!!!
you should IM froy about making this site go public and about all of the potential advertising clients that you have lined up, and ask him to bury the hatchet by going partners on the site. Then post that AIM convo in the funny aim convo thread after you get his hopes up and tell him to fuck off.
make sure you talk about equity
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