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Ken'sPen Wrote:Hoon is my monkey,
and he dances when I grind my organ........

writing that made me hard.
Ken kisses women after he humps them..

Making him a cocksucker by proxy.
Rush's need to define everything in terms of Race and Political leanings shows mania on his part.

I have often thought that there is too much hype with scrambling quarterbacks in the NFL right now. I think that they make great fodder for highlight films and that causes the interest.....

and while all the good scrambling quarterbacks right now may be black,
not all black quarterbacks scramble.....

he's just an ass,

I am glad he and his red flag are gone.
Hoon posts things that make Splatt look cogent.
Rush Limbaugh is a bad example of the typical conservative.
Much the same as Timothy McVeigh who voted Democrat.
nope he is very typical,

apparently ALL Conservatives are issued talk shows today.
Ken'sPen Wrote:Hoon posts things that make Splatt look cogent.

Rush Limbaugh was just on the tube saying he knows nothing of any investigation over prescription pills and if the authorities would like to talk to him, he invtes them.
bet he's all hopped up on pills right now.
Ken'sPen Wrote:nope he is very typical,

apparently ALL Conservatives are issued talk shows today.
Hence the new Fairness Doctrine which states that Leftist organizations have to be put on the air.

Even though they have proven unsuccessful in the past and unsuccessful shows get cancelled.
But am radio is being forced to do this anyway.
Fair huh?
the maid's story was pretty convincing, don't they also have it on tape or something?
Ken talks as though the only people who listen to Rush's show are robots who believe everything he says. He also talks about how idiotic Rush is and all the stupid reactionary things he says on air.

These opinions can't co-exist
If James Earl Jones spoke directly to me, I'd probably need to change my shorts. He has the coolest voice ever ever ever.

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>THIS IS CNN</span></div>
Now imagine him saying,
"get out of my face you inbred cracker"

I got shivers.
Doc Wrote:If James Earl Jones spoke directly to me, I'd probably need to change my shorts. He has the coolest voice ever ever ever.

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>THIS IS CNN</span></div>
You should try looking him in the eyes and have him call you a cracker!
Galt, you made a LOT of inferences,
I don't think I said anything like that,
you ditto head drone.
Quick, someone tell me about the First Amendment while I'm all hot and bothered

Edited By Doc on 1065127961
"shoes" was funnier.
That would at least explain his undying devotion to those ass clowns.
Yeah, probably, but I don't need to prove my funney to you.

Plus, I'd hate to highjack one of your commie threads. You might send the ACLU after me
Ken. You have made comments about how all his listeners are dittohead drones.
Yet you listen to him. You have to, or else you're making up shit about what he said.

I don't listen to him. I haven't in years.
Free speech is only protected when it's liberal
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