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that old guy does look like a winner
I get up at 4:30 now cause i live on long island but the jobsite i'm on is in airmont, 76 miles from my house. i havent been to the gym in 6 months cause i absolutely need a nap after the 3 hour drive home, so i have once again become a skinny little nothing. And i have to walk my dog. And go to band practice from 9 to 12. My day sounds worse than yours, so i win while i'm losing.
Welcome to adult life. If you want to live a happy life, prepare to be broke all of the time.

Anyway, at least you're not black. :35:
The trick I've found is, you have to do stuff on weekdays other than just go to work. I've had the weeks where all I did was go to work Monday - Friday and I'd just try to live for the weekends. That is the wrong way to go. All of a sudden, three months have passed and you have no idea what happened. Time goes way too fast when all you do is work 5 days a week, no matter what you try to do on the weekends.

If putting up with crappy jobs increased karma, I'd have 6 arms by now
Quote:The trick I've found is, you have to do stuff on weekdays other than just go to work.

that's why he's posting on the board
Wasnt Galt whinning a few months ago about not having a job and needing money????

Welcome to the real world. You have about another 20-30 years of stuff like this. Get used to it. Only way to tolerate it is to make sure its something you somewhat enjoy doing.
TheGMANN Wrote:Wasnt Galt whinning a few months ago about not having a job and needing money????

Welcome to the real world. You have about another 20-30 years of stuff like this. Get used to it. Only way to tolerate it is to make sure its something you somewhat enjoy doing.
I wasn't whining. About having a job nor needing money.

And I am not whining now. Just commenting that my days are quite long.

Today was a very early one. Apparantly, Fridays the place clears out at about 5.

And I'm 28. I've been in the "adult" world for a while
I've decided I don't get paid well enough to put in more than 4 hours of actual work a day.

So I get there between 8 and 9 and leave between 5 and 6 and spend half of my day figuring out how much I'd need to get paid to give them 4 more hours of work.
As I walk through work when I first get. in the following goes through my mind as I first see all the people there:







then why did you hire all of them?
It's time for a vacation!
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