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The Sleeper Wrote:that is a good idea, i will look into it. thanks.
That was two ideas.

If you're going to just pretend to read what I write, don't patronize me as well.
btw Galt wins the contest, we are hanging out! woooo
Quote:Or you could pick out ads that you like on TV [like whoever comes up with the ESPN ads, Aflac, or some other obscure ad (the more obscure, the less likely it'll be some huge firm that will be difficult to get into)]. You call them, tell them that you just love their ads and you want to get into advertising, and would want to work on a campaign like that, or at a minimum, work for a company that can put out such a great ad.

It's different, and aggressive, and I bet it would get you an interview. Just don't let yourself get directed to the HR people. Try and talk to someone directly from creative. Don't think you're intruding if you call them. They'd love to hear someone call and fawn over them about their work.
i meant that one, i just used the quote button and was too lazy to edit the other part out, which was a good idea too but one I've heard amillion times already.
...and Galt gets to pick a new forum?
sure why not
I hope Galt rapes you.
Excellent! What's next on our Mod To Do list?
Quote:i meant that one, i just used the quote button and was too lazy to edit the other part out

You say that a lot.
well...I am lazy
there used to be a lids in the manhattan mall, maybe it's still there. i used to work at young and rubicam, advertising seems like a pretty fun job.
yeah. I was trying to be nice and all under the guise of helping you. But really. You have no ambition. Doesn't matter what you do, you'll never be a success
Galt Wrote:yeah. I was trying to be nice and all under the guise of helping you. But really. You have no ambition. Doesn't matter what you do, you'll never be a success
totally, now what do you want the new forum to be and when are we hangin out buddy!?
You guys can cut class and work and hang out in the computer lab together.
Quote:there used to be a lids in the manhattan mall

It's still there, they called a couple of days ago telling us to expect a shipment for a customer who was there visiting and wanted them sent to our store.
so when do you want that subway application?
you got a job qs?
I want my forum to be the best forum ever.
Quote:you got a job qs?
get with the times man...ive been working at subway for over a month now
meat on the inside, bread on the outside..........
thats usually how it goes....usually
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