Full Version: Really Dumb Girl...
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So a bunch of people are playing lazer tag tonight. im talking to my friend's girlfriend's friend and she notices my shirt...

"What's the name on your shirt?"

"Oh, The Allman Brothers Band"

"Oh, that your band?"

so naturally, i imediately think of the scene in Bring It On where the exact same thing happens (replace allman brothers with the clsah), which im sure a bunch of you did as well, and i say

"No, there a southern rock band circa 1969 or so"

"Oh ok..haha"

it amazes me how dumb some people are
you're just trying to let people know that you now like the allman brothers arent you?
yes. :24:
who the fuck wears their own band shirt?
um...deron from cky does...but lets pretend i didnt say that....shhhhhhhhh
So did you try and put the moves on her?
Oh ok..haha
yeah...i dangled a shiny object in front of my genitals

And it worked! Good for you.
it was a friday night and the girl was playing laser tag....doesnt really sound like the most fuckworthy girl to me..
actually, she wasn't bad. i don't think you could be that dumb and not be good looking. people would just throw rocks at you
QuickStop Wrote:actually, she wasn't bad. i don't think you could be that dumb and not be good looking. people would just throw rocks at you
this is why you are the most underrated poster on this board
yeah, it made me chuckle when i was typing it
ok so you were playing lasertag on a friday night. what was the party favor and how did the birthday cake taste?
we all got tootsie rolls and the cake had a power ranger on it...the red was AWESOME!
black ranger > red ranger
what was up with those people who had birthday parties at gymnastics places? I always found that kinda random
Birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese kinda rocked. I think as adults we have neglected the fun that comes from the ball pit.
That reminds me when bowling for columbine came out, people would ask for bowling for columbia or something. After correcting them they would stare at me blankly, "columbine? whats that?"

Then again these are the same people who couldn't say "perdition"
hey you got road to pertention, umm road to partition, uhh no no road to pretention.
The Jays Wrote:Birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese kinda rocked. I think as adults we have neglected the fun that comes from the ball pit.
the ball pit is great
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