BeckyDC Wrote:Quote:didnt happen to me
well me neither..well kinda..I got a "new whore in town" post..but not quite as bad :lol:
Oh cmon now beckster..i gave you your own "under the nightie thread"
how quickly we forget.

GonzoStyle Wrote:That's what I said when you started naming your silly RF buddies.
RapeFantasizer is still here???
:bouncer: bring on the abuse :bouncer:
Snuka, this is just wrong on so many levels. I mean, LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING SPELLING MAN!!!
Oh yeah, and impale her ass on a rusty spike while running down nuns and doing 67mph in a 65. TRIPLE FINE TWAT!!
Quote:Oh cmon now beckster..i gave you your own "under the nightie thread"
Must've blocked that one u love me tho..DONT YA!! hehe :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Older members will get this but is Ink slowly becoming to Snuka what Ulook was to CBH, lol.
inkgrrrl Wrote:cbh?
you dont wanna know
BeckyDC Wrote:Quote:Oh cmon now beckster..i gave you your own "under the nightie thread"
Must've blocked that one u love me tho..DONT YA!! hehe :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
I love everyone so dont feel special :p
Quote:love everyone so dont feel special :p
PFFFFFT!!! :moonie:
Edited By BeckyDC on Mar. 12 2002 at 2:29
GonzoStyle Wrote:Older members will get this but is Ink slowly becoming to Snuka what Ulook was to CBH, lol.
WOW im an older member and i dont even get that
:loveya: oh yes i feel the love
GonzoStyle Wrote:Older members will get this but is Ink slowly becoming to Snuka what Ulook was to CBH, lol.
I think we'll need a bigger barrel then :lol:
thats not love you feel. that is the herpes virus spreading through your body like me through a playground.
dont worry you can just blow off the bumps and mysterious rashes as tatoos.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:thats not love you feel. that is the herpes virus spreading through your body like me through a playground.
dont worry you can just blow off the bumps and mysterious rashes as tatoos.
I never felt your herpes, I felt the syph but never the herp. I'd prefer if you raped her in the park on a cold night, this way she gets AIDS and hopefully a cold to speed up the process.
How about we stick some steell cable through the lips of her vag...tie the ends off to some chevy s10's and have them pull in opposite directions. as she is bleeding almost split in half we all take turns slapping wet chineese noodles against her forehead and singing over the rainbow.
:roflmao: why over the rainbow?
So just in case you fucking live you wont find your way back.
And also it may just be far enough we cant smell your skank tank
Wet chinese noodles? ooooo :bouncer: that means we can put the cockroaches up her nose too!!!
:angry: ok that is just twisted.
inkgrrrl Wrote::angry: ok that is just twisted.
No what is twisted is...the cockroaches we are using. We are actually getting them from your snatch. No wonder you need turpentine to wash that gash.
Ohh i just noticed the scar on your head from when
your mom tried to abort you with a peice of a rusty muffler.