inkgrrrl Wrote:slash, althoug i would love a scapegoat for this i have to say it probably would have happened anyway. thank you though.
I hasard a guess that it has more to do with your second post being something along the lines of .... :eatme: Way to make a presence... :moonie:

neak: im not THAT bad i mean jesus.
i saw my name in there at first and though i was in trouble
<img src=>
hehe sorry inky
thanks alot amy... see if i get you out of trouble again.
Amy i could include you anytime ya want.
You know im good for it :p
inkgrrrl Wrote:thanks alot amy... see if i get you out of trouble again.
and snuka
u know i always want to be involved
espesially when youre taking a nice shit
yessssss Amy, I think I heard the word CHUM before.......... wanna go for a little swim!!! :bouncer:
Ok...the pool is filled with chum and ready for a swim
lets go
but maybe we should wait for bondgirl...she would be dissapointed if she missed it
inkgrrrl Wrote:
neak: im not THAT bad i mean jesus.
Compared to Hitler, Charles Manson wasn't THAT bad a guy either.
Could smear some on the lawn chair for BG, when she comes in, the can sit on it and have her skin adhere to the plastic
okay - I have a few questions and I want answers NOW, dammit.....
1. Who is this inkstink bitch and why do people dislike her?
2. Why didn't I get my initiation blowjob from her and Silera?
3. Is Ink's vag tattooed with a pic of a penis, cuz she aint all that "feminine" to me? Is it penis envy?
4. What the hell is that smell coming from her ass? damn girl, do you bathe?
alright ladi lets go
::pushes ladi in the chum pool::
My force tells me this thread is gonna be moved to the short bus as soon as Sean sees it.
NaughtyAngel Wrote:alright ladi lets go
::pushes ladi in the chum pool::
::hand stand::
::back stroke::
oops, got a lump in my ear
::hops on one foot::
Quote:My force tells me this thread is gonna be moved to the short bus as soon as Sean sees it.
Shoot, I thought I could live out in the sun for atlest one day, but no, back underground, back to the bus :

Dude.....I am sooo way ahead of you.
BTW Silera, yes, you owe us all blow jobs. From the top down. Sean, then me and Spit, so on and so forth....
Hey Ladi Wrote:::hand stand::
::back stroke::
oops, got a lump in my ear
::hops on one foot::
very nice
::hits ladi with a chair::
BAH! Stinkin admins...always ruining our fun! :fuckoff:
Quote:Sean, then me and Spit, so on and so forth....
Aw hell yeah :loveya: :eatme:
I don't want your sloppy second Gaymay, who put you in charge over me?

pits: :p
Edited By Spitfire on Mar. 12 2002 at 4:13
I'm like one of those guys who has them fuckin psychcic ESPN things I swear. I actually predicted this, I AM A GOLDEN GOD!!!!
Who wants to fuckin touch me?
Can I touch your schmekel?
GonzoStyle Wrote:Who wants to fuckin touch me?
can i fuck and touch you?