entermann's soft baked cookies. mmmmmm :banana:
those are amazing, my mom got me chocolates with banana and orange flavored goo inside, they are not very good.
your mom doesn't know whats up
I go to the Entenmann's Outlet Store almost every Saturday morning :thumbs-up:
I go to dunkin doughnuts everytime I visit goats house, I feel like I am a visitor to a foreign monarchy and must bring tasty spices and other gifts as offerings.
Jelly doughnuts and apple spice are usually the key.
you should be a good boy and bring him Krispy Kremes
Krispy Kremes are good, but I can't eat them - one of those and my diet is thrown way off.
You don't have to bring donuts when you visit, you just being there is all I need :loveya:
hahhaah if you go to the front page theres a giant picture of ian eagle because this is the top thread in the pit and its my avatar
hedcolds mom gave me crabs
Laz's mom gave me a hard time when i called, she was all suspicious of me.
I think the boys been in some troubles before.
Quote:Laz's mom gave me a hard time when i called, she was all suspicious of me.
I think the boys been in some troubles before.
not me stop spreading rumors.
any black person would be suspicious when some strange JEW calls the house. BTW my land lords black.
yeah she gave me the third degree.
she ended it "now don't you be causin my boy no foolishness"
I said "yes ma'am" ofcourse at the same time I am thinkin to myself, geez if she only knew the shit he does on his own.