You fuck, you woke him up.
I wouldn't be able to sleep if Joobies were staying the night at my place.
I wonder if HedCold bothered to count how many times Sleeper "went to the bathroom" to "use the toilet".
If he did, that is really creepy
I wonder if he caught you staring at joobies' joobies.
And ugly chick came up to me at a bar and started talking to me and I pretended that I couldn't speak english. Unfortunately, the language I picked, she actually knew. So I just had to laugh at her and turn away.
The moral is: If you are going to fake that you speak another language don't make it something common like Spanish. Go with Russian or Italian or something.
his slanty floor was rather comfortable
his bathroom is truly amazing, isn't it?
so, did you all 3 sleep in that one little bed? head to toe or spooning?
they slept in the bathtub
crx girl Wrote:so, did you all 3 sleep in that one little bed? head to toe or spooning?
does it matter? Their genitals are still lined up either way.
did I mention they fell asleep watching Taxi Driver? Inexcusable
how can they see your tv from the bath tub?
I am so fuckin fascinated as to where they slept as well.
Did you take turns layin on the bed?
Yes that and they took turns playing hide the salami with hedcold's girl.