Seeing as how Snuka and I got such a 'WARM' welcome when we 'visited' rf, and seeing as how we have a recent influx of these retards from rf, I just wanted to point a few things out to the dickless whiney ass nicey-nice "I love you, you love me, fuck me up against an apple tree" asswipes that have come along.
1. Welcome to hell. Enjoy your stay. I will be your host - the retarded midget.
2. This is not rf. We are not nice people. We don't love each other or pretend to love each other and unless there's enough to go around for everyone, we don't care who's fucking who (unless there's video to be shared)
3. You will be violated at will, at random and you will sit there and enjoy it like the good little bitches that you are.
4. Whining and complaining will only make things worse. Unless you complain to maymay, in which case, he'll blow you and then walk away. It won't resolve the issue but you will get a toothless blowjob out of the deal.
Any questions? Who gives a fuck? Finally, to paraphrase the words of the immortal CBH - Welcome to camp nicey-nice, now sit down and shut the fuck up!
:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
Edited By Grumpy on Mar. 13 2002 at 10:54
Grumpy Wrote:Seeing as how Snuka and I got such a 'WARM' welcome when we 'visited' rf
Grump, Ahem.....
But other than that.....heed what the midget says.....this is NOT a nice place and we sure as fuck are NOT nice people. If you want bright sunshiny days...stay at, or any of the other candyland boards around here....if you want to feel like fresh meat at the local prison...welcome aboard. guys are so cute when you try to be mean :loveya: :lol:
Spitfire guys are so cute when you try to be mean :loveya: :lol:
I know, look at them trying to show them the ropes...... wrapped all around the little fuckers' ankles & wrists
Hey i may be sick and twisted....MAYBE
But im not mean.
Spitfire guys are so cute when you try to be mean :loveya: :lol:
Hehehe...Spit called me cute
:loveya: :bouncer: :drool:
Spitfire guys are so cute when you try to be mean :loveya: :lol:
I'm not trying to be mean Spit. I don't really have to "try". I'm just givin these retards the same warm welcome that was shown to snuka and I.
By the way - did your asshole stop bleeding yet? that's what you get for playing with barbed wire unsupervised.
Yeah, I am not mean either. I swear I am not.
I am the nicest person around.
I love you all.
I really do.
stop laughing you mother bitches.
Sean Cold Wrote:Yeah, I am not mean either. I swear I am not.
I am the nicest person around.
I love you all.
I really do.
stop laughing you mother bitches.
Now you folks truly understand why this place is called Cold Day in hell.....
LMMFAO - Sean made teh funney! :roflmao:
Grumpy Wrote:By the way - did your asshole stop bleeding yet? that's what you get for playing with barbed wire unsupervised.
Is that why some animals were able to escape from the zoo...Spit was using the fencing for playtime?
Grumpy Wrote:Seeing as how Snuka and I got such a 'WARM' welcome when we 'visited' rf, and seeing as how we have a recent influx of these retards from rf, I just wanted to point a few things out to the dickless whiney ass nicey-nice "I love you, you love me, fuck me up against an apple tree" asswipes that have come along.
You know, my feelings were hurt on It's true. I wasn't accepted in the group hugs, I was an outcast because of my potty mouth, shit, those elitist, happy go lucky fuck wads wouldn't let me play in any fuckin riegndeer games either.

obs uncontrolably:::
I was shunned damn it!
If you really wanna make them feel welcome then edit there posts.
GonzoStyle Wrote:If you really wanna make them feel welcome then edit there posts.
You think they might enjoy that?
Should I put a new word filter up so we avoid offending them with our nasty speak?
How about we just turn the whole board inside out and make the new colors match a fuckin rainbow?
Would any of this work in making their collective times here a happier time?
fuck them all if they can't take a joke.
if everything is all warm and fuzzy over at why are these cum guzzling gutter sluts coming over here???
they must be gluttons for punishment. so be it, there's enough for everyone.
Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 13 2002 at 1:13
we come over here cause some of us are sick of the regulated bullshit other places.. i personally just didnt realise the extent of the madness....
If you really wanna make them feel at home make the forum tables half the size they are and make the text so small you can barely read it without magnifying your settings. Then go around spouting how everyone else is an elitest while you edit posts and tell people what they can say and type....
:::SNIFF SNIFF::: you smell that? Smells like home.
And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason why I love the Gonzo...... ::golf clap::
but one thing - You forgot about deleting threads that are deemed "inappropriate" or have the slightest inkling of controversy. It seems they don't understand teh funneys.
Grumpy Wrote:And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason why I love the Gonzo...... ::golf clap::
but one thing - You forgot about deleting threads that are deemed "inappropriate" or have the slightest inkling of controversy. It seems they don't understand teh funneys.
Amazingly so...even here my threads get moved around
what the hell does that mean
Elitist checking in :crackhead:
Quote:By the way - did your asshole stop bleeding yet? that's what you get for playing with barbed wire unsupervised.
Quote:Is that why some animals were able to escape from the zoo...Spit was using the fencing for playtime?
Well boys, ya know I like it rough...and yes the bleeding did finally stop there's no more feeling left. Now I know how Grumpy's mom feels like after your little pricks violate her repeatedly. At least the blood can make a decent lube... :lol:
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Grumpy Wrote:And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason why I love the Gonzo...... ::golf clap::
but one thing - You forgot about deleting threads that are deemed "inappropriate" or have the slightest inkling of controversy. It seems they don't understand teh funneys.
Amazingly so...even here my threads get moved around
what the hell does that mean
Dude you're lucky it was just a thread, you should be the one that's moved and locked away. Atleast quaranty him or something, there can only be one we need no more the world won't be able to handle any more.