I agree BB King is fuckin horrible, I don't get how all of a sudden he is the king of the blues.
Then again I guess you outlive everyone and just cause he was around when the true greats were and got to play back up to their greatness, anything can happen.
If charlie manson lives to be a 100 maybe he too will be revered.
Manson is already revered in some circles.
He's gettin old, it has begun.
I have found my soulmate, and, unfortunately, it is Galt. I'm convinced that people listen to jazz, or say they do, purely for the hip factor. And Bob Hope wasn't funny EVER. My grandfather was there to see it all, back in WWII and korea, and he said the guys thought seeing him was the equivilant for us of seeing the backstreet boys. The film reels of GI's cheering and laughing wildly were staged and edited.
The Beatles are overrated.
you should be beaten unmercifully about the face and genital area.
Everything every done in music was done first by the Beatles
Even old negro spirituals?
I saw seals playing rubber horns at Sea World once.
There goes your theory.
Actually, all the music we hear today is just a derivative of a song called "Primordial soup", composed by a protozoa named "Stan" back in the pre-cambian days.
Therefore, the whole "Elvis stole black music" argument is moot.
The only song derivative of this soup song maybe eminems "stan"
silly rabbit.
Jeez, pal. I usually laugh at,or at least give a polite chuckle to your shit, but that was pretty bad. Even worse than my lame attempts at humor. You can do better that that, and i expect better of you next time.
God I am ashamed, it sounded funny in my head at the time.
what the fuck was I thinking?
Hey, we all have our low points.
Mine started october 12th, 2000, and hasn't ended yet.
I registered a day before you!
Just posting to see when I registered.
we aren't talking about this board dumbhead
If I had a good memory, I'd call you that zany burn you called me a couple times. But alas, I'm old and lacking