Full Version: Who was watching the Jets Game.. - ..and saw the kid with the weird eye?
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i dont know what i saw.

but it scared the shit out of me.

who else saw it and what did you think?
the tv i'm watching the game on has bad reception so i'm not sure what it was
but it looked weird right?
I saw it. He just had a bandage over his eye. It was skin colored.

Either that, or he's Sloth.
that did not look like a bandage. it was like some huge round object, looked like it was raquetball sized!
a bandage over his eye??? oh man that's creepy!
It was a flesh colored eye patch that is glued to his face. I knew a kid growing up that wore one for awhile to correct the laziness in the opposite eye. I always thought he looked more creepy with the patch than he did with the googly eye.
either way, his one eye saw the jets lose, and that makes me happy.