Full Version: A story about class pictures
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you stole the cells, might as well.
I bet you're gonna' try and tell me you invented the sousaphone too...
I never met sammy sosa
do you guys know any jokes that are releveant in the last year?
I know a good one about you, picture day and the second grade.
that's more of an anecdote
You're the anti-dolt!
You have to factor in the fact that alkey and I post at the same time about once every 6 months.
See ya' next year, pal!
On a side note

I cant stand people who still think saying "see you next year" on december 31st is sooooo funny.
i dare one of you to post your high school pictures, especially the ones with the lasers.
I still have no clue what these lasers are.
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