Full Version: Guess what I just did in my company's bathroom?
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did you buy a bag of weed ? Every job I've ever had always had that one guy that hooked up those who were "interested in that sorta thing".
well...what did you do?!!!
This better be worthy of "page two" suspense.
seriously - there's only so much a person can do in a bathroom, especially at work.
If this bitch gets to page three there better be a fucking dead body in that bathroom.
created this thread via some sort of web enabled device.

get this

on the toilet


you're not going to believe this

I was tired


I can't believe I did this

set my phone alarm

I'm so insane

took a 30 minute nap

I believe I am the first person to ever do that.
this is gonna be as dissapointing as Galt's "Guess what my girlfriend just said to me" thread
yeah. that was bad.

But the upshot was that I fucked her last night while her boyfriend sat at home.
she so OWNS you
you are definetly not the first person to fall asleep on a toilet, have you ever heard of homeless people?
but I did it on purpose. I strategized and set my alarm.

She came to me. I have hand.
you are her fuck buddy on the side, nice dude!
I'm feeling a bit fatigued myself all of a sudden.
toilet napping? how is that even comfortable?
fuck buddy from 250 miles away
I propped my arms up on the toilet dispensor and rested my head in my hands. Like sleeping on a bus or plane.
for all the money Galt supposedly makes you would think he'd have his own office where he could close the door and nap in. i used to do that until they moved us to the Princeton office.

I don't make that much money. I never said I did. I don't have an office. I'm a useless training. Bottom of the totem pole.
I dunno if that would work at my place, the stalls don't really provide much in the way of something to lean on - and the paper dispensers are a little high. The handicapped stalls have that bar on the wall though, that might work.
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