Full Version: The time has come.
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You leave the future Mrs. Bland out of this!
We will soil her repeatedly and make her the new board whore.
You evil bastard!!
She'll have her own forum where she can post her daily updates on her whorish ways.
I would get mad at you but I know you are only saying those things because The Sleeper told you do say them. He is the puppetmaster that controls you.
I get bored when you post.
That's so weird! I get the urge to masturbate when you post.
While listening to show tunes?
don't forget your bat
I am sooooo excited, so when is everyone coming?
I'll be there at never o'clock
I'd give you soup bones if you ever came out!!!
i'll be there after i wake up and clean and take a shower and stuff. what time will you be there?
i will probably get there 10-11
Me and DIG will show up together.
I'll be there at about 8 I guess, shooting deer.
well have fun alone because you haven't told anyone where this magical bar full of nazis is.
Wheeler's Restaurant
1707 Sheepshead Bay Road
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 646-9320

The Q train to sheepshead bay and the bar is about 2 blocks away. When you get off the train there should be a newstand to your right. Make a right there should be a mcdonalds across the street from where you will be walking and a bank on the corner.
do you remember what exit it was off the belt? exit 6 I think, Ocean Parkway? I can't recall Undecided
Exit 7
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