Full Version: Did I miss a meeting?????
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102.7 is now playing ALL CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!!!! For as long as I can remember, the holidays used to start the day after Thanksgiving with all the rock bottom sales and then the music started. It's 2 fucking weeks before then and we have an all holiday music station? Is this a conspiracy by big business to get us out and shopping by making us think the holiday is closer than we think or are times a changin' and I haven't adapted to it yet?
you still listen to 102.7? FAG!!!!!
yeah seriously - noone listens to that station.

I saw Christmas decorations being hawked in stores a week before Halloween.
people near me had christmas lights on the week before halloween
we don't get much as far as decorations here but the few that do pretty much leave them on all year round.
It seems like Christmas music is Blink's new format.
Everyday is Christmas for that Blink 187 dude.